1) шесть категорий китайских иероглифов (指事、象形、形声、会意、转注、假借)
2) шесть стилей письма (古文、奇字、篆书、左书、缪书、鸟虫书)
шесть категорий иероглифов
(1) [the six categories of Chinese characters]∶古代分析汉字而归纳出的六种条例, 即指事、 象形、 形声、 会意、 转注、 假借
(2) [the "Six Classics"--The Book of Poetry, Book of History, Book of Changes, Book of Rites; Book of Music, Spring and Autumn Annals]∶即"六经"。 即《诗》、 《书》、 《礼》、 《乐》、 《易》、 《春秋》
liù shū
Six Methods of forming Chinese characters, according to Han dictionary Shuowen 说文 - namely, two primary methods: 象形 (pictogram), 指事 (ideogram), two compound methods: 会意 (combined ideogram), 形声 (ideogram plus phonetic), and two transfer methods: 假借 (loan), 转注 (transfer)liù shū
{语} the six categories of Chinese characters (self-explanatory characters, pictographs, pictophonetic characters, associative compounds, mutually explanatory characters and phonetic loan characters)liùshū
the six categories of Chinese characters1) 古人分析汉字造字的理论。即象形、指事、会意、形声、转注、假借。
2) 亦称“六体”。指古文、奇字、篆书、左书、缪篆、鸟虫书六种字体。
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