slit one’s belly to show loyalty -- lay open one’s heart (to conceal nothing); disclose one’s real feelings; tear the heart out of one’s breast and show it to ...; make a clean breast of ...; bare one’s heart in all sincerity
pōu fù míng xīn
slit one's belly to show loyalty -- lay open one's heart (to conceal nothing); disclose one's real feelings; tear the heart out of one's breast and show it to ...; make a clean breast of ...; bare one's heart in all sincerity
bare one's heart in all sincerity
剖腹明心 | выкладывать всё начистоту |
剖腹 | 明心 | ||
1) вскрывать живот
2) открывать душу
1) постичь суть; познать существо (сущность)
2) чуткая душа