go after the far-away at the expense of the near-at-hand -- foolish; divert attention from the immediate issues by talking about remote things; go for the abstruse and forget the obvious; ignore sth. right under one’s eye’s, yet try to seek what is far away; reject what is near at hand and seek for what is far away; seek far and wide for what lies close at hand -- love to have preeminence:
舍近就远,转移视线 divert people’s attention from the immediate issues by talking about remote things
shě jìn jiù yuǎn
go after the far-away at the expense of the near-at-hand -- foolish; divert attention from the immediate issues by talking about remote things; go for the abstruse and forget the obvious; ignore sth. right under one's eye's, yet try to seek what is far away; reject what is near at hand and seek for what is far away; seek far and wide for what lies close at hand -- love to have preeminence:
舍近就远,转移视线 divert people's attention from the immediate issues by talking about remote things
divert people’s attention from the immediate issues by talking about remote things
Гнолл одиннадцатого уровня и живая легенда! Поприветствуйте Дробителя!
舍 | 近就 | 远 | |
1) бросить; отбросить; отказаться от чего-либо
2) тк. в соч. подавать милостыню; жертвовать
II [shè]дом; здание; постройка
1) далёкий; дальний; далеко
2) намного; сильно; далеко; большой