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Joined: 12 Jun 2005
Posts: 502
Location: Ashdod, Israel

PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 6:49 pm    Post subject: ОБЕЗЬЯНЬЯ ЛАПКА (2) Reply with quote


次(cледующего )日(дня)晨(утро),当(…)冬天(зимний)的(опр.)阳光(солнечный свет)射(посылался на)在(предл.)早餐(завтрака)桌(столе)上时(…в то время как),他(он)为(к)自己(собственной)的(опр.)胆怯(робости)感到(чувствовал)好笑(смехотворность)。屋(дома)内(внутри)洋溢(переливалось через край)着(суфф. наличия)昨晚(вчера вечером)所(все то что)没有(не было)的(субст.)一(1)种(вид)寻常(обычный)而又(а также)平安(здоровый)的опр.)气息(дух),那(та)个(сс)肮脏(грязная)、萎缩(ссохшаяся, увядшая)的(опр.)小(маленькая)爪(лапка)被(пассив)漫不经心(оставив без всякого внимания)地(наречие)搁(помещена)在(предл.)餐具(посудном)柜(шкафе)上(на),显然(явно)没有人(никого не было)相信(верил)它的(ее)神效(сверхъестественную сущность) 。
1IN the brightness of the wintry sun next morning as it streamed over the breakfast table Herbert laughed at his fears. There was an air of prosaic wholesomeness about the room which it had lacked on the previous night, and the dirty, shrivelled little paw was pitched on the sideboard with a carelessness which betokened no great belief in its virtues.   

“我(я)想(думаю),对(по отношению к)那些(тем)老兵(ветеранам)们(мн. ч.)来说(смотреть (интерпретировать) с точки зрения)结果(результатов)也(усилен.)都(все)一样(одинаковы)。”瓦特(Уайт)太太(миссис)说(сказала),“我们(мы)所(все что)слышали)的(субст.)都(все)是(есть)些胡说八(болтовня)道(была сказана)!这几天(в наши дни)会(возможны)怎样(как)如(как)愿(желания)呢(а)?如(если)真(действительно)有可能(это возможно),两百(200)镑(фунтов)钱(денег)又(и)怎(как)会(могут)害(навредить)你(тебе)呢(а)?亲爱(дорогой)的(субст.)。”
2 "I suppose all old soldiers are the same," said Mrs White. "The idea of our listening to such nonsense! How could wishes be granted in these days? And if they could, how could two hundred pounds hurt you, father?"
“也许(возможно)会(могут)从(с)半空中(в воздухе)掉(упасть)到(на)他(его)头(голову)上(на)。”浮浪(фривольный?)的(опр.)赫伯特(Герберт)说(сказал)。
3"Might drop on his head from the sky," said the frivolous Herbert.   

“莫里斯(Моррис)说(сказал),事情(дела)会(могли)自然而然(автоматически, сами собой)地(нареч.)发生(случаться)。”他(его)父亲(отец)说(сказал),“以至于(в такой степени что)你们(вы)会)могли)将(буд. вр.)祈求(потребуете)的(что)结果(результат)归(оносят)因(причину)于(на)一(1)种(сс)巧合(совпадение)。”
4"Morris said the things happened so naturally," said his father, "that you might if you so wished attribute it to coincidence."
“好(хорошо)吧(ну),在(…)我(я)回来(вернусь)之前(до того как),别(не)把(пр. допол.)钱(деньги)独(сам)吞(заглоти)了(фраз. част.)。”赫伯特(Герберт)边(и)说(сказал)边(и)从(от)桌(стола)边(и)站起来(встал),“我(я)怕(боюсь)它(это)会(может)使(сделать)你(тебя)变成(превратить)一(1)个(сс)自私(эгоистичного)、贪婪(жадного)的(опр.)人(человека),那么(а)我们(мы)便(сразу)与(с)你(тобой)脱离(порвем)关系(отношения)。”
5"Well, don't break into the money before I come back," said Herbert, as he rose from the table. "I'm afraid it'll turn you into a mean, avaricious man, and we shall have to disown you."
他(его)母亲(мать)笑(засмеялась)着(модиф.),随(следовала за)他(ним)走(пошла)到(к)门口(входу)。看着(посмотрела на)他(он)(上了(сов. вр.)路)(отправился в дорогу)。回(возвратилась)到(к)早餐(завтрака)桌(столу)上(на)。便(сделавшись)开心(очень радостной)地(нар.)拿(пр. дополн.)他(его)丈夫(мужа)的(опр.)轻信(легковерие)当作(рассмотрела)了(сов. вр.)话柄(как притчу во языцех, темы дня) 。但(но)这些(эти)并(отнюдь)没(не)使(сделали)她(ее)忘记(забыть)在(…)邮差(почтальон)敲(постучал в)门(дверь)时(…когда)匆匆(поспешно)跑(побежать)去(чтобы)开门(открыть дверь)。在(…)发现(нашла)寄(присланное)来(сюда)的(субст.)是(есть)一(1)张(сс)裁缝(портного)的(опр.)帐单(счет)的同时(в то же время, когда),也(также)没(не)忘记(забыла)简短(коротко)地(нар.)打听(спросить о)一下(раз - гл. сс)那(тех)位(сс)嗜(любящих)酒(вино)的(субст.)退役(вышедших в отставку)军士(сержантах)长(старших)。
6 His mother laughed, and following him to the door, watched him down the road, and returning to the breakfast table, was very happy at the expense of her husband's credulity. All of which did not prevent her from scurrying to the door at the postman's knock, nor prevent her from referring somewhat shortly to retired sergeant-majors of bibulous habits when she found that the post brought a tailor's bill.
“赫伯特(Герберт)回家(возвратится домой)时(когда),我(я)想(думаю)他(он)会(сможет)有(иметь)更多(больше)的(опр.)开心话(острот)。”当(…)他们(они)正在(как раз)吃(ели)午餐(обед)时(…в то время как),她(она)说道(сказала)。
7"Herbert will have some more of his funny remarks, I expect, when he comes home," she said, as they sat at dinner.
“我(я)想(думаю),”瓦特(Уайт)先生(мистер)边(и)说(сказал)边(и)给(дат. п.)自己(себе)倒(налил)了(сов. вр.)些(немного)啤酒(пива),“无论如何(в любом случае),那(та)玩意儿(штука)在(предл.)我(моей)手(руке)里(в)动了(двигалась),这(это)我(я)敢(смею)肯定(подтвердить)。”
8"I dare say," said Mr. White, pouring himself out some beer; "but for all that, the thing moved in my hand; that I'll swear to."
"You thought it did," said the old lady soothingly.
"I say it did," replied the other. "There was no thought about it; I had just----What's the matter?"

他(его)妻子(жена)没(не)搭腔(ответила),她(она)看到(увидела)屋外(на улице)有(есть)人(кто-то)在(продленн.)神秘(загадочно)地(нар.)走动(движется),并(и)以(с)一(1)种(видом)犹豫(колебался)不(не)决(решался)的(субст.)神态(видом)盯着(не отрывал взгляд от)屋子(дома)。很(очень)明显(явно)正(как раз)试(пытался)着(продлен.)在下(внизу)决心(решиться)进来(зайти)。她(она)注意(обратила внимание)到(модиф. цели)陌生人(незнакомца)穿(был одет)着(выглядел)考究(роскошным),戴(надел)一(1)顶(сс)崭新(новую с иголочки)而有光泽的(опр.)丝(шелковую)帽(шляпу),心里(про себя)立刻(сразу)联想(связала)到(к)两百(200)镑(ф. ст.)钱(денег)。他(он)三(3)次(раза)在(предл.)大门口(входные двери)暂(временно)停(остановился),但(но)又(снова)走开(отошел)了(сов. вр.)。第(пор. числ.)四(4)次(раз),他(он)站下(остановился),手(рука)搁(была помещена)在(предл.)大门(входной двери)上(на),并(и)突然(неожиданно)决定(решился)似(как бы)地(нареч.)“砰”(трах)地(нар.)推(толкнул)开门(открыл дверь),走(пошел)上(модиф. - на)了(сов. вр.)院(двор)内(внутри)的(опр.)小道(тропу)。瓦特(Уайт)太太(миссис)与此同时(между тем)伸手(протянула руку)到(к)身(тела)后(позади),解开(развязала)围裙(передника)带子(повязки),把(пр. дополнение)围裙(передник)压(затолкала)在(предл.)椅子(стула)的(опр.)坐垫(подушку для сидения)底下(под)。
9 His wife made no reply. She was watching the mysterious movements of a man outside, who, peering in an undecided fashion at the house, appeared to be trying to make up his mind to enter. In mental connection with the two hundred pounds, she noticed that the stranger was well dressed and wore a silk hat of glossy newness. Three times he paused at the gate, and then walked on again. The fourth time he stood with his hand upon it, and then with sudden resolution flung it open and walked up the path. Mrs. White at the same moment placed her hands behind her, and hurriedly unfastening the strings of her apron, put that useful article of apparel beneath the cushion of her chair.

她(она)把(пр. дополн.)似(казалось)平(точно)有点(немного)心神(душевные силы)不安(взволнованные)的(субст.)陌生人(незнакомца)带进(ввела в)屋(комнату)里(в)。他(он)诡秘(загадочно)地(призн. нар.)盯(уставился на)着(продолж.)她(нее),一(1)副(сс)心事(груз на сердце)重重(очень тяжелый)的(субст.)样子(вид)。听(слушал)着(продолжен.)老太太(старая леди)为(из-за)屋(комнаты)内(внутри)寒(бедной)伧(грубой)的(опр.)陈设(меблировки)、他(ее)丈夫(мужа)的(опр.)外套(пиджак)以及(и)挂(висящую)在(предл.)外面(наружи)的(субст.)一(1)件(сс)平时(постоянно)莳弄(shìnòng)(ухаживал за))花园(садом)穿(надевал)的(субст.)衣服(одежды)所(то что)表示(указано)的(субст.)歉意(извинение)。随后(вскоре после этого)她(она)就(затем)以(в соответствии с)女性(женский пол)具有(имеет)的(субст.)耐心(терпеливостью)等待(ждала)着(продолжен.)他(он)先(первым)开口(начнет говорить)说明(пояснит)有(есть)何(что)贵(уважаемое)干(касательство),但(но)一(как только)开始(начали),他(его)知(осознали)奇怪(странно)地(нареч.)沉默(молчит)着(продолжен.)。
10She brought the stranger, who seemed ill at ease, into the room. He gazed at her furtively, and listened in a preoccupied fashion as the old lady apologized for the appearance of the room, and her husband's coat, a garment which he usually reserved for the garden. She then waited as patiently as her sex would permit, for him to broach his business, but he was at first strangely silent.
“我(я)—一(однократность)是(…)受(пассив)命(приказали)来(прийти)拜访(нанести визит)的(…усилительная конструкция)。”他(он)终于(наконец)开口(начал говорить)说道(сказал)。同时(одновременно)弯腰(наклонился)从(с)裤子(брюк)上(на)取下(снял)一(1)片(кусочек)棉花(ваты),“我(я)从(от)莫乌(Мо)和(и)麦金斯(Меггинса)那(следовательно)来(прихожу)。”
11"I--was asked to call," he said at last, and stooped and picked a piece of cotton from his trousers. "I come from Maw and Meggins."
老太太(старая леди)说(сказала):“有(есть)什么(какое)事(дело)?”她(она)屏(затаила)住(модиф. устойчивого положения)呼吸(дыхание)又(снова)问(спросила),“赫伯特(Герберт)发生(случилось)了(сов. вр.)什么(какое)事(дело)?什么(какое)事(дело)?

12The old lady started. "Is anything the matter?" she asked breathlessly. "Has anything happened to Herbert? What is it? What is it?"
她(ее)丈夫(муж)插嘴(вмешался)道(сказал): “(说到(скажи)哪(куда)去了(пошла))(???),亲爱(дорогая)的(субст.)。”他(он)急急(взволнованно)地(нар.)说(сказал);“坐下(сядь),别(не)急于(спеши)听(слушать)结论(делать выводы)。我(я)相信(верю)。你(вы)不会(не)带来(принесли)坏(плохие)消息(новости)吧(вежл. предположение)。先生(господин)。”他(он)渴望(просительно)地(нар.)望(смотрел на)着(продолжен.)对方(другую сторону)。
13Her husband interposed. "There, there, mother," he said hastily. "Sit down, and don't jump to conclusions. You've not brought bad news, I'm sure, sir" and he eyed the other wistfully.

"13aI'm sorry----" began the visitor.

“他(с ним)出事(случился несчастный случай)了(сов. вр.)?”当(в том же самом)母亲(материнском)的(опр.)焦急(волнении)地(она)问(спросила)。
14"Is he hurt?" demanded the mother.  

来人(гость)默许地(нар.)|低(потупил)下(вниз)|头(голову)。“出(случилось)了(сов. вр.)大事(большое дело),”他(он)镇静(спокойно)地(нар.)说(сказал),“但(но)他(он)没(не имеет)一点(нисколько)痛苦(боли)。”
15The visitor bowed in assent. "Badly hurt," he said quietly, "but he is not in any pain."  

“哦(ó)(вон как!),感谢(благодарю)上帝(бога)!”老太太(старая леди)说(сказала),双手(пара рук)相(друг друга握(схватила),“为此(по этой причине)我(я)感谢благодарю)上帝(бога)!感谢(благодарю)——”当(…)她(она)渐渐(постепенно)明白(поняла)这(этого)不(не)吉祥(счастливого)的(опр.)断言(утверждения)中(внутри)的(который)意思(смысл)时(…когда),突然(неожиданно)停止(остановила)了(сов. вр.)说话(речь)。看到(заметила)她的(его)担忧(обеспокоенность)在(есть)对方(собеседника)|转(изменившемся)开(модиф. начала)|的(опр.))脸(лице)上(на)得到(получила)了(сов. вр.)可怕(ужасное)的(опр.)证实(подтверждение),她(она)感到(чувствовала)窒息(имя действия от задыхаться),转(повернулась)向(к)反应(реакция)迟钝(медленная)的(субст.)丈夫(мужу),将(пр. дополн.)一(1)只(сс)颤抖(дрожащую)的(опр.)手(руку)放(положила)在(предл.)他(его)身(теле)上(на),沉默(замолчала)了(сов. вр.)很(очень)久(долгое время)。
16 "Oh, thank God!" said the old woman, clasping her hands. "Thank God for that! Thank----"
She broke off suddenly as the sinister meaning of the assurance dawned upon her and she saw the awful confirmation of her fears in the other's averted face. She caught her breath, and turning to her slower-witted husband, laid her trembling old hand upon his. There was a long silence.

“他(его)被(пассив)|卷 (замотало) 到(модиф.)|了(сов. вр.)机器(машину)里(в)。”来访者(визитер)最后(наконец)低(низкий)声(голос)说道(сказал)。
17He was caught in the machinery," said the visitor at length, in a low voice.
“|卷(замотало)到(модиф.)|了(сов. вр.)机器(машину)里(в)。”瓦特(Уайту)先生(мистер)重复(повторила)道(сказала),一(1)副(сс)茫然(не знающего)的(обр.)样子(манерой),“是的(да)。”
18"Caught in the machinery," repeated Mr. White, in a dazed fashion, "yes."  

他(он)毫无(без)表情(выражения на лице)地(нар.)瞪(уставился на)着(продолжен.)|窗(окно)外(за)|。将(пр. дополн.)他(его)妻子(жены)的(опр.)手(рука)抓(схватила)在(предл.)自己(собственной)的(опр.)双手(паре рук)中(в)按(сжала)着(продолжен.),就(сразу)象(стало похоже на то)他们(они)在(в)以前(прежде)漫长的近(около)四十(40)年(лет)的(опр.)相(друг друга)爱(любви)的(субст.)日子(дни жизни)里(в)所(то что)习惯(имели обыкновение (делать))的(субст.)那样(так)。
19He sat staring blankly out at the window, and taking his wife's hand between his own, pressed it as he had been wont to do in their old courting days nearly forty years before. 
20 "He was the only one left to us," he said, turning gently to the visitor. "It is hard."

对方(собеседник)咳嗽(кашлянул)一(1)声(голос – сс)站(остановился)起身(встал),慢慢(медленно)走(пошел)到(к)窗(окну)边(около)。“公司(фирма)希望(пожелала)我(я),就(тут же)你们(вы)所(то что)遭受(потерпели)的(субст.)巨大(огромная)损失(потеря)向(к)你们(вам)转达(передать)他们(их)真挚(искреннее)的(опр)同情(соболезнование)。”他(он)什么(ничто)也(даже)没(не)看(глядя)地(нар.)说(сказал),“我(я)请求(прошу)你们(вас)理解(понять)我(я)不过(только)是(есть)他们(их)的(опр.)随从(свита),不过(только)是(есть)遵从(следующий)命令(приказам)、”然而(однако)没有(не)回答(ответил)。老太太(старая леди)脸色(вид)煞白(бедный),双目(глаза)发直(смотрели перед собой???),呼吸(дыхание)好象(казалось)都(полностью)停止(остановилось)了(сов. вр.)。她(ее)丈夫(мужа)的(опр.)脸色(вид)看上去(был похож)与(на)他的(его)朋友(друг)军士长(старший сержант)第(пор. числ.)一(1)次(раз)被(пассив)送(доставлен)上(на)战场(поле битвы)时(когда)一样(то же)
21 The other coughed, and rising, walked slowly to the window. "The firm wished me to convey their sincere sympathy with you in your great loss," he said, without looking round. "I beg that you will understand I am only their servant and merely obeying orders."
There was no reply; the old woman's face was white, her eyes staring, and her breath inaudible; on the husband's face was a look such as his friend the sergeant might have carried into his first action.

“我(я)刚才(только что)是(в действительности)说(сказано)莫乌(Мо)和(и)麦金斯(Меггинс)不(не)承认(признают)一切(всю)责任(ответственность)。”对方(собеседник)继续(продолжал)说(сказал),“他们(они)根本(совершенно)不(не)想(буд. вр.)承认(допустят)应对(согласия)此(за это)负责(быть ответственными)。但(но)|考虑(приняв во внимание)到(модиф.)|你们(вашего)儿子(сына)的(опр.)贡献(вклад),他们(они)想(буд. вр.)送(дарят)给(дат. п.)你们(вам)一笔钱(сумму денег)作为(как)补偿(компенсацию)。”
22"I was to say that Maw and Meggins disclaim all responsibility," continued the other. "They admit no liability at all, but in consideration of your son's services they wish to present you with a certain sum as compensation."

瓦特(Уайт)先生(мистер)放下(освободился от)妻子(жены)的(опр.)手(руки),站(встал)了(сов.вр.)起来(вверх-туда),眼光(зрение)可怕(ужасно)地(нар.)盯(уставилось в)着)продолж.)来人(гостя)。他的(его)干(сухих)嘴唇(губах)里(в)|挤(были выжаты)出(наружу)|几(несколько)个(сс)字(слов):“多少(сколько)?”
23 Mr. White dropped his wife's hand, and rising to his feet, gazed with a look of horror at his visitor. His dry lips shaped the words, "How much?"

23a"Two hundred pounds," was the answer.

老头(cтарик)虚弱(слабо)地(нар.)微笑(улыбнулся)着(продолж.),未(не)|觉察(почувствовал)到(рез. модиф.)|他(его)妻子(жены)的(опр.)尖叫(визг)。他(он)象(как)盲人(слепой)一样(так же)伸出(протянул)手(руку)去(туда),又(снова)|垂(согнулся)下(вниз)|,毫无(без)知觉(чувства)地(нар.)让(позволил)一(1)堆(куче)钱(денег)掉到(упасть)了(сов. вр.)地板(пол)上(на)。
24Unconscious of his wife's shriek, the old man smiled faintly, put out his hands like a sightless man, and dropped, a senseless heap, to the floor.

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Location: Ashdod, Israel

PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 7:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

IN the brightness of the wintry sun next morning as it streamed over the breakfast table Herbert laughed at his fears. There was an air of prosaic wholesomeness about the room which it had lacked on the previous night, and the dirty, shrivelled little paw was pitched on the sideboard with a carelessness which betokened no great belief in its virtues.

"I suppose all old soldiers are the same," said Mrs White. "The idea of our listening to such nonsense! How could wishes be granted in these days? And if they could, how could two hundred pounds hurt you, father?"

"Might drop on his head from the sky," said the frivolous Herbert.

"Morris said the things happened so naturally," said his father, "that you might if you so wished attribute it to coincidence."

"Well, don't break into the money before I come back," said Herbert, as he rose from the table. "I'm afraid it'll turn you into a mean, avaricious man, and we shall have to disown you."

His mother laughed, and following him to the door, watched him down the road, and returning to the breakfast table, was very happy at the expense of her husband's credulity. All of which did not prevent her from scurrying to the door at the postman's knock, nor prevent her from referring somewhat shortly to retired sergeant-majors of bibulous habits when she found that the post brought a tailor's bill.

"Herbert will have some more of his funny remarks, I expect, when he comes home," she said, as they sat at dinner.

"I dare say," said Mr. White, pouring himself out some beer; "but for all that, the thing moved in my hand; that I'll swear to."

"You thought it did," said the old lady soothingly.

"I say it did," replied the other. "There was no thought about it; I had just----What's the matter?"

His wife made no reply. She was watching the mysterious movements of a man outside, who, peering in an undecided fashion at the house, appeared to be trying to make up his mind to enter. In mental connection with the two hundred pounds, she noticed that the stranger was well dressed and wore a silk hat of glossy newness. Three times he paused at the gate, and then walked on again. The fourth time he stood with his hand upon it, and then with sudden resolution flung it open and walked up the path. Mrs. White at the same moment placed her hands behind her, and hurriedly unfastening the strings of her apron, put that useful article of apparel beneath the cushion of her chair.

She brought the stranger, who seemed ill at ease, into the room. He gazed at her furtively, and listened in a preoccupied fashion as the old lady apologized for the appearance of the room, and her husband's coat, a garment which he usually reserved for the garden. She then waited as patiently as her sex would permit, for him to broach his business, but he was at first strangely silent.

"I--was asked to call," he said at last, and stooped and picked a piece of cotton from his trousers. "I come from Maw and Meggins."

The old lady started. "Is anything the matter?" she asked breathlessly. "Has anything happened to Herbert? What is it? What is it?"

Her husband interposed. "There, there, mother," he said hastily. "Sit down, and don't jump to conclusions. You've not brought bad news, I'm sure, sir" and he eyed the other wistfully.

"I'm sorry----" began the visitor.

"Is he hurt?" demanded the mother.

The visitor bowed in assent. "Badly hurt," he said quietly, "but he is not in any pain."

"Oh, thank God!" said the old woman, clasping her hands. "Thank God for that! Thank----"

She broke off suddenly as the sinister meaning of the assurance dawned upon her and she saw the awful confirmation of her fears in the other's averted face. She caught her breath, and turning to her slower-witted husband, laid her trembling old hand upon his. There was a long silence.

"He was caught in the machinery," said the visitor at length, in a low voice.

"Caught in the machinery," repeated Mr. White, in a dazed fashion, "yes."

He sat staring blankly out at the window, and taking his wife's hand between his own, pressed it as he had been wont to do in their old courting days nearly forty years before.

"He was the only one left to us," he said, turning gently to the visitor. "It is hard."

The other coughed, and rising, walked slowly to the window. "The firm wished me to convey their sincere sympathy with you in your great loss," he said, without looking round. "I beg that you will understand I am only their servant and merely obeying orders."

There was no reply; the old woman's face was white, her eyes staring, and her breath inaudible; on the husband's face was a look such as his friend the sergeant might have carried into his first action.

"I was to say that Maw and Meggins disclaim all responsibility," continued the other. "They admit no liability at all, but in consideration of your son's services they wish to present you with a certain sum as compensation."

Mr. White dropped his wife's hand, and rising to his feet, gazed with a look of horror at his visitor. His dry lips shaped the words, "How much?"

"Two hundred pounds," was the answer.

Unconscious of his wife's shriek, the old man smiled faintly, put out his hands like a sightless man, and dropped, a senseless heap, to the floor.

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