Даже я, как носитель китайского языка, не очень понимаю эту фразу.
In the Internet there is a definition of 下得去:
猶言過得去。(it is as if saying "acceptable")
But I don't think it means "acceptable" in your sentence. Even I need to see the Japanese translation to understand the meaning.
In everything that you do, you should/must save the face of the other person or you must not embarrass the other person.
But it seems to me we don't quite use this phrase nowadays. Even I just heard this phrase for the first time. Even if you ask a Chinese, they may not understand what you mean.
In the Internet there is a definition of 下得去:
猶言過得去。(it is as if saying "acceptable")
But I don't think it means "acceptable" in your sentence. Even I need to see the Japanese translation to understand the meaning.
In everything that you do, you should/must save the face of the other person or you must not embarrass the other person.
But it seems to me we don't quite use this phrase nowadays. Even I just heard this phrase for the first time. Even if you ask a Chinese, they may not understand what you mean.
Помогаю онлайн с изучением китайского и кантонского.
Перевожу на китайский, делаю вычитку китайских текстов.
Перевожу на китайский, делаю вычитку китайских текстов.