Консультирую по грантам (^_^)
2019.03.18 Не соглашусь. Во многих вузах прямо написано, что грантовики освобождаются от application fee. В том числе и в хороших вузах.
Проект Big Belt Consult info@bigbeltconsult.ru d.soldatov@hotmail.com WeChat: soldatov_lawyer Китайский телефон (не всегда активен): +86 18515961446 WhatsApp: https://wa.me/79991751229 Telegram: https://telgg.me/@soldatov_lawyer 2019.03.18
2019.03.18 почти во всех шанхайских миф есть, к сожалению 2019.03.18
2019.03.18 там конкурс бешеный, как средство фильтрации применяют 2019.03.18
2019.03.18 а где это прописали? 2019.03.20
2019.03.20 Зайдите на лайхуа, зарегайте аккаунт, заполните анкету в вуз и при отправке вылезет это правило. 2019.03.21
![]() 1. Each applicant will be issued a username and password by the CSC after they have completed the registration process. The applicant is fully responsible for the username and password. The applicant will be liable for activities and events carried out under this account. 2. The applicant is fully responsible for the authenticity, legality, validity and accuracy of all the information contained within the application. The applicants must not impersonate others and must not include any information in the application that does not belong to them. The applicants will be unable to edit the application after the submission. Any false or misleading information contained in the submitted application will negatively influence the scholarship application and the applicant will be responsible for the corresponding consequences. 3. Each scholarship awardee cannot partake in more than one Chinese government provided scholarship program during his/her study period in China. If an awardee is to have breached this rule, the CSC reserves the right to cancel the scholarship that might already have been awarded to him/her. 4. In the circumstance that the applicant is refused by all three preferred universities of Type A application, CSC will do its best to arrange another Chinese university to enroll the applicant. Applicants that still can not be admitted after this process will lose the scholarship opportunity. 5. Within each enrollment year, each applicant is allowed submit no more than five applications, including a maximum of two Type A and three Type B applications. 6. Terms of Privacy: User privacy is one of the CSC’s most valued principles. The CSC will strive to protect the private information of applicants through technical, management and other measures. Once the application is submitted, the applicants agree that the relevant data contained in the application will be provided to the dispatching authorities and universities, for the purposes of their admissions and studies. 2019.03.21
2019.03.21 Тоесть по типу А можно подать только в 2 университета теперь? А в самой подаче по типу А можно было выбрать 3, тоесть третью графу они не убрали.. 2019.03.21