Ребят, кто-нибудь подавал на государственную стипендию в East China Normal University? Мне вот в апреле пришел такой имейл:
After careful examination of your application documents, the School of Advanced International and Area Studies is willing to take you as a new student for the upcoming semester.
You application has already been accepted by the department. Next we will do the scholarship review.
The final result will come out at around June or July, please wait.
Означает ли это, что университет меня уже окончательно одобрил и теперь отправит мои документы в csc?
After careful examination of your application documents, the School of Advanced International and Area Studies is willing to take you as a new student for the upcoming semester.
You application has already been accepted by the department. Next we will do the scholarship review.
The final result will come out at around June or July, please wait.
Означает ли это, что университет меня уже окончательно одобрил и теперь отправит мои документы в csc?