西南财经大学 прислал письмо, что мне нужно сдать тест.
Есть три варианта:
1. (Для тех, кто на англоязычную программу).
2. If you apply for a major taught in Chinese and already has passed HSK 6, please choose test name “Online Exam (Chinese-Taught Major, With HSK) ". This type of exam consists of 10 questions to test your Chinese Language Level and 10 questions to test mathematics.
3. If you apply for majors taught in Chinese and don't have HSK certificate, please choose test name" Online Exam (Chinese-Taught Major, Without HSK)". This type of exam consists of 20 questions to test mathematics.
ВОПРОС. Если я сдала лишь HSK5, то мне нужно выбирать третий вариант и сдавать лишь математику?
Есть три варианта:
1. (Для тех, кто на англоязычную программу).
2. If you apply for a major taught in Chinese and already has passed HSK 6, please choose test name “Online Exam (Chinese-Taught Major, With HSK) ". This type of exam consists of 10 questions to test your Chinese Language Level and 10 questions to test mathematics.
3. If you apply for majors taught in Chinese and don't have HSK certificate, please choose test name" Online Exam (Chinese-Taught Major, Without HSK)". This type of exam consists of 20 questions to test mathematics.
ВОПРОС. Если я сдала лишь HSK5, то мне нужно выбирать третий вариант и сдавать лишь математику?