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"可是", "不过" and "但是" are all conjunctions that can be used to introduce a contrasting idea or point of view. However, there are subtle differences in their usage and meaning.

"但是" (dànshì) is perhaps the most commonly used of the three, and generally translates to "however" or "but". It is straightforward and neutral, without any particular connotations.

"可是" (kěshì) is similar to "但是", but with a slightly stronger emphasis on the speaker's personal opinion or feelings. It can be translated as "but" or "however", and the connotation suggests a feeling of disappointment or regret.

"不过" (bùguò) is a more casual and colloquial term, often used in spoken language. It can be translated as "however", "but" or "just", and carries the meaning of something being not as serious or important as it might have seemed. It can also be used to downplay the speaker's own opinion, or to make a concession.

In summary:

- "但是" = however, but (neutral)
- "可是" = but, however (with a feeling of disappointment or regret)
- "不过" = however, but, just (casual, downplaying, concession)
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2023.03.03Почемучка Спросите chatgpt, он все знает! Я так китайский и учу:

"可是", "不过" and "但是" are all conjunctions that can be used to introduce a contrasting idea or point of view. However, there are subtle differences in their usage and meaning.

"但是" (dànshì) is perhaps the most commonly used of the three, and generally translates to "however" or "but". It is straightforward and neutral, without any particular connotations.

"可是" (kěshì) is similar to "但是", but with a slightly stronger emphasis on the speaker's personal opinion or feelings. It can be translated as "but" or "however", and the connotation suggests a feeling of disappointment or regret.

"不过" (bùguò) is a more casual and colloquial term, often used in spoken language. It can be translated as "however", "but" or "just", and carries the meaning of something being not as serious or important as it might have seemed. It can also be used to downplay the speaker's own opinion, or to make a concession.

In summary:

- "但是" = however, but (neutral)
- "可是" = but, however (with a feeling of disappointment or regret)
- "不过" = however, but, just (casual, downplaying, concession)

Ну тогда уже спрашивать на русском:

В чём разница между 但是, 可是 и 不过

1991.06.25chatGPT В китайском языке "但是" (dànshì), "可是" (kěshì) и "不过" (bùguò) являются союзами, которые могут использоваться для выражения перехода от одной мысли или идеи к другой. Однако, у них есть разные оттенки значений и использования.

"但是" (dànshì) означает "но" и используется, когда мы хотим противопоставить две идеи или предложения. Например:
我喜欢音乐,但是我不会弹吉他。 (wǒ xǐhuan yīnyuè, dànshì wǒ bù huì tán jítā.) - Я люблю музыку, но я не умею играть на гитаре.
"可是" (kěshì) также означает "но" и используется в тех же контекстах, что и "但是". Однако, он может иметь более эмоциональную окраску, выражая разочарование или несогласие. Например:
我们打算去旅游,可是下雨了。 (wǒmen dǎsuàn qù lǚyóu, kěshì xià yǔ le.) - Мы планировали поехать в путешествие, но начался дождь.
"不过" (bùguò) означает "однако", "но" и используется, чтобы смягчить предыдущее высказывание. Он может означать, что предыдущее утверждение было правильным, но есть еще одна сторона вопроса. Например:
我很喜欢这个餐厅,不过价格有点贵。 (wǒ hěn xǐhuan zhège cāntīng, bùguò jiàgé yǒudiǎn guì.) - Мне очень нравится этот ресторан, но цены немного высокие.
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RRRomul, на английском он часто лучше отвечает
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