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Цитата: Individual income Tax filing procedure
The expatriates must file tax returns on a monthly basis. If the
annual income exceeds RMB 120,000, then it is mandatory to do an annual
tax filling as well.
There are different ways of paying and reporting IIT. The expatriate
may use a withholding agent such as the enterprise that pays salary to
the foreign individual is responsible for withholding the IIT, deducting
it from the income. The payment must be done within 15 days after the
monthly payment.
Also, there are five circumstances, required by the tax regulation in
China, in which tax payers have to self-declare their yearly income:
* Income over RMB 120,000
* Receiving income from two or several local employers
* Receiving income outside China
* Receiving income without withholding agent
* Other cases that are to be cleared by State Council
When exceeding 120 000 RMB, it is mandatory to declare the taxes at
the end of the year, most importantly, within three months. If the
situation is to be found in the four last categories, then taxes must be
paid monthly after receiving the salary.
The onus to file monthly and yearly IIT returns on time is on the
individual. In case of any evasion or violation, the taxpayer may be
subject to fine (between RMB 2,000 and RMB 10,000) and even
imprisonment, in grave cases. When there is a suspicion of tax evasion,
the suspect may be restricted to leave the country.