2018.07.31Подавляющая часть
Tongji University
Так они же вывесели, причем давно
2018.05.03 Здравствуйте! Не подскажите в каком(их) университете(ах) обучались? Заранее спасибо~ 2020.12.15
2018.04.04Подскажите, а если есть сертификат об участии в официальной научной конференции, с печатью гербовой и подписью, это может считаться для этого пункта? (сертификат на русском) 2021.01.08
![]() 2021.01.08
2018.03.11 Hello there! I am 17 years old and I am doing very well in the 10th grade. I have been interested in studying in China for almost a year, but I still have questions that I can't find the answers to. Is it even possible to get a 1+4 undergraduate grant yourself? All the organizations that help with admission are very expensive for me. ( Just so you know, I'm the only one who's going to deal with this. My parents deny the idea that I can get a grant. They claim that this is a fraud, and I will be given into slavery Smile so all the finances will be on me) Therefore, what is the most optimal way in terms of money? A grant through the embassy looks the most normal for me, but I'm still interested in how much money is needed for all these transfers, assurances and so on. Who has encountered this, please tell us. Should I even try, given my financial problem? ( By the way, parents can help pay for all expenses (such as flights and so on) after all this turmoil, if I get a grant) 2021.01.08
2021.01.08 Доброе время суток! Вы знаете Agency Number of Chinese Embassy in Russia? ![]() 2021.01.11
2021.01.11 а не, всё, не нада 2021.01.11
Добрый день! Можно ли поступить в магистратуру и получить языковой год без сертификата HSK? Или сертификат обязательно нужен?
![]() 2021.01.11