Развод или нет, но грабёж - точно. Лесом этот универ
поискала на форуме, вроде прошлые года платили такие депозиты и всем все возвращали
2018.06.07 поискала на форуме, вроде прошлые года платили такие депозиты и всем все возвращали 2018.06.07
Dear applicants,
Since many students ask me for the details about the University Scholarship, here I reply the common questions in this email. 1. This scholarship will provide you with free accomodation and tuition, a round-trip air ticket, and monthly allowance, for master the monthly allowance is 1500RMB, and for P.h.D the monthly allowance is 2500RMB. 2. This scholarship lasts for three years since both MA and P.h.D program are 3-year programs. 3. All the programs are taught in Chinese, which means you should at least get HSK 5, otherwise, you need to learn one year Chinese language in our university which this scholarship will not cover. (For P.h.D students whose major is English related, if you can find a supervisor from School of Foreign Langue who are willing to accpet you as English-taught student, you can have English taught program. ) 4. We will give the deposit back to you when you come to register in our University this September. If you finally change your mind and donot come to study in our university as you promised, this money will not be refunded. 5. If you get the email to tell you that you have got the TSP Scholarship, this means you are not selected as Chinese Government Scholarship student through our University, you can choose whether to accept the scholarship we can provide, but please let me know through replying me in the email. 6. If you are confused about the deposit, you can choose to call our office directly or just ask your friend in Nanjing to come to our office for confirmation. You can choose to remit the deposit and send me the picture of remittance through email or ask your friend to pay directly in our office in Nanjing. 7. As to the major you will study, it is just the major you write in your application, so please check with it yourself. 8. As to the online application, if you already completed the online application and the university you apply for is Nanjing Normal University, you will not need to apply again. Thank you. Best wishes. Вот вчера писали 2018.06.09
Я в итоге написала csc, мне, конечно, никто не ответил. Универ я послала лесом и не стала никому звонить-писать и просить подругу зайти к этому ван да пину. А, допустим, нет у меня этих 10 тысяч юаней, что все - не выберет меня Пекин? Ну что за бред
2018.06.11 Они вас просто рекомендовать в Пекин не будут 2018.06.11
![]() 2018.06.11
Консультирую по грантам (^_^)
2018.06.09 Погодите погодите, английским по белому написано СТИПЕНДИЯ УНИВЕРСИТЕТА, причем тут csc и пекин?! О чем речь вообще...... 2018.06.12
если у вас стипендия csc, там прекрасно берут трубку, позвоните и узнайте условия)
но впервые слышу о таком, кто там на языковых(по гранту) был, у них никаких депозитов не просили. 2018.06.12
2018.06.06 Вы подавались на годовые курсы или на бакалавриат/мага? 2018.06.12