Если нормально шаблон такой написать, можно давать давать на него ссылку в подобных темах.
![]() Если нормально шаблон такой написать, можно давать давать на него ссылку в подобных темах. 2017.02.15
2017.02.15"Успешное" это значит оно значит оно не вызвало проблем. Если ничего не писать, проблемы будут? А если написать, что ты двоечник и т.п. как-то может повлияет? Значит всё-таки есть "успешные". Понятно, что их никто не читает (если нет какого-то выбора), но поэтому их никто и не пишет. 2017.02.15
![]() 2017.02.15
Если кто-то может помочь с рекомендационным письмом, то почему нет? Тем более это лишь несколько щелчков мыши. Представляю уровень вашей ярости и гнева в отношении тех, кто получает гранты на магистратуру по липовым дипломам из перехода (Таких несколько человек знаю) и тех, кто покупал хск 6 (за них сдавали, таких также встречал)
Тут конечно на таких ругаются, но ссылки до сих пор нет, поэтому можете и мне скинуть на почту micekillor9@mail.ru
Смотреть сюда!
![]() 大学入学推荐信(一) 尊敬的xxx大学各位领导: 你们好! xxx同学于XX年从风华初级中学以数学满分的优异成绩进入我校高中学习。峰同学在学习方面是一个虚心好学的学生,品学兼优的好学生,在日常生活中,他为人诚实、热情、乐于助人,无论在哪个班级都得到老师和同学的好评。他是一个德、智、体全面发展的好学生,曾荣获XX年闸北区高一英语学习朗诵三等奖,荣获了xxx区2998年暑期头脑奥林匹克即兴题『滚动(移动)类题目』第一名(中学组),获XX年军政训练“五好营员”光荣称号,xxxx年学农活动“五好营员”光荣称号。 他积极投身于各项社会活动,在汶川大地震后他参于了有闸北区共青团组织的街头募捐活动,并在学校也是一个热心的志愿者,积极服务于我校60周年校庆筹备和庆典活动,以及各项学科节活动。 他在学习课本知识的同时,并不拘泥与课本,注重创新,曾参加“上海市第九届中学生科学课题研究论文评比展示”活动中,利用dis物理实验器材研究手机辐射,并和同学一起撰写了论文获三等奖。 看到他一步步的成长,老师们都感到很欣慰,今天我把他推荐给你们,希望能给予他一次机会,将成为xxxx大学未来的一名德才兼备的优秀人才,愿峰同学能实现梦寐以求的大学愿望! 此致 敬礼 XXX 年月日 大学入学推荐信(二) 尊敬的XX大学领导: 你们好! 很高兴能够以这样的形式向你们推荐我最优秀的学生——卢董同学。作为一名看着卢董同学一步步成长的高中老师,我觉得把最优秀的学生推荐给最优秀的大学是我义不容辞的责任。希望我的这封推荐信能够帮你们更多更好地了解卢董同学,一方面帮你们招进一名优秀的大学生,也能够使卢董同学进入她梦寐以求的大学殿堂。 认识卢董同学,是在05年的夏天,当时她刚刚考入高中,踌躇满志,意气风发。而如今,已是才女初长成,隐隐有大家气象,实在是令人欣慰。回想这三年的经历,岁月把一个简单明快的女孩打造成了意志坚强、底蕴深厚、成熟内敛、秀外慧中、热爱生活,有爱心、同情心、上进心,具备优秀的思维品格、超强的学习能力,独具魅力的领导才能,完善的个性特点,较大发展空间和较强发展潜质的优秀人才。 她才华横溢,思想深刻。中原自古多才俊。在炎黄故里这块火热的土地上,深厚的文化底蕴孕育出一名钟灵毓秀的才女。她用五彩笔写作心灵的云卷云舒,也描绘校园生活的酸甜苦辣;她弹得一手好琴,优美的旋律或渔舟唱晚或平湖秋月,打动过多少年轻的灵魂;她朗诵、辩论、演出,学校的舞台始终活跃着她靓丽的身影。她的才华也许天赋,但更因为她热爱读书,读文学、读历史、读哲学,李白杜甫曹雪芹甚至康德叔本华钱钟书冯友兰,因为博览,所以全面,因为厚积,所以有发。 很多时候,我们不愿意承认自己的教育是应试教育,但我不得不说,她是我学生中的异类,是应试教育的奇迹。在领导能力组织能力方面她是同龄人中的翘楚,同时,她还具有较强的团队意识。她长期担任班长和学生会的职务,组织了小到班级的班会、家长会,大到学校的读书节、辩论赛等大型活动。07年10月,疯狂英语创始人李阳先生来我校,面对全校师生,李静和李阳用英语侃侃而谈,李静之才华,之从容可见一斑。 其实,在她身上,最打动人的不是傲视群芳的才情,不是优秀的成绩,甚至不是出色的领导能力,而是爱心,是对生活,未来,世界,他人甚至一草一木的热爱。在日益注重利益的今天,她坚守着人类灵魂中最闪光的一方净土。 她热爱生活,对生活充满了美好的想象,充满信心、希望和勇气。在她的眼中,世界是美丽的,生活在这个世界上是幸福的。她享受春花的美丽,秋月的温馨,夏雨的激情,冬雪的坚韧。她感受快乐,也传达快乐。她用一颗敏感、细腻而多情的心,让身边的人像自己一样对生活充满信心。她不断伸出双手给不幸者带来希望,她把自己对生活的理解告诉给每一个生活在黑暗中的人。她为弱者流泪,为强者欢呼,她与人为善,相信送人玫瑰手有余香,她以饱满的激情感染着每一个人,她的爱心使她身边的世界温暖、快乐、平和。 我们认识很久了,她一直都是一个很谦和的人。她的优秀,她出众的才能,她的光环,她优秀的学业似乎并没有改变这个从容淡定的女孩,她仍然习惯淡淡的微笑,习惯在最合适的时候拿出最优秀的自己在生活中自在的行走。偶尔我们会一起看夕阳,看花开花落。在她身上,我看到了一个优秀生命个体的成长,看到年轻生命蓬勃的生机、热烈的色彩,她像一个美丽的蝴蝶在我身边破茧而出,那夺目的光华令我眩晕、颤栗和感动。于是知道,作为她的老师,我是幸福的,幸运的。三年教书生涯,她成了我身边最美的风景。 她的志向是XX大学。许多年前,我也曾经对那所大学充满了向往,韶华不再,想起不过唏嘘。而现在,因为有她,那熄灭的火重新燃起,我希望她帮我完成在未了的心愿。更多的是,以她这样的资质,不上XX大学,岂不可惜。大学,大师之谓也。但大学,同样需要有优秀的学生加入,才能长期发展,可持续发展。所以,李静不读XX大学,似乎也是XX大学的损失。 写着这封信,伤感是有的,因为我知道几个月后,卢董同学将离开。但我更知道,以卢董同学的能力,继续留在高中,是对她的伤害。三个年头,近千个日子里,作为老师的我,不正是一直执著的等待她展翅高飞,寻找更适合她的未来?她需要更广阔的天空,更开放的学习氛围,更多优秀老师的指导。而贵校,无疑是她最好的选择。 在这里,我只能以自己的人格担保,我向贵校推荐的是一名优秀的学生,一个杰出的人才,她不会让贵校失望。我衷心的祝愿她能够通过贵校的选拔,也希望贵校能给她一次机会。我相信,她会用自己的实力给贵校更多惊喜。 此致 敬礼 XXX 年月日 大学入学推荐信(三) 尊敬的领导: 本人应**同学请求,推荐该生到**大学进行研究生阶段的学习。 本人是该生在**大学本科生阶段的系主任,曾指导该生参加第十届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛。 在指导该生创作作品的过程中,可以发现,该生做事刻苦勤奋,认真负责,有极强的责任心;思维活跃,能运用现有知识,并查阅相关文献来解决研究中出现的问题;总结分析能力和文字表达能力极强,工作能力十分出色。 在个人品质方面,该生谦虚礼貌,坚定执着,在困难面前不轻言放弃,而且善于沟通交流,乐于助人,能与团队中不同年级、不同背景的同学进行良好高效地沟通与合作。 经过近一年的了解,可以看出,该生对科研有一定兴趣,并逐渐获得了科研的素质与能力,故推荐到贵校,望审核通过。 推荐人签名: 2017.02.15
Вот на английском языке ( это не перевод предыдущего поста)
![]() 1.Dear Admissions Committee, I had the pleasure of teaching Sara in her 11th grade honors English class at Mark Twain High School. From the first day of class, Sara impressed me with her ability to be articulate about difficult concepts and texts, her sensitivity to the nuances within literature, and her passion for reading, writing, and creative expression- both in and out of the classroom. Sara is a talented literary critic and poet, and she has my highest recommendation as a student and writer. Sara is talented at considering the subleties within literature and the purpose behind authors' works. She produced an extraordinary year-long thesis paper on creative identity development, in which she compared works from three different time periods and synthesized cultural and historical perspectives to inform her analysis. When called upon to give her thesis defense in front of her peers, Sara spoke clearly and eloquently about her conclusions and responded to questions in a thoughtful way. Outside of the classroom, Sara is dedicated to her literary pursuits, especially to poetry. She publishes her poetry in our school's literary magazine, as well as in online magazines. She is an insightful, sensitive, and deeply self-aware individual driven to explore art, writing, and a deeper understanding of the human condition. Throughout the year Sara was an active participant in our discussions, and she always supported her peers. Her caring nature and personality allow her to work well with others in a team setting, as she always respects others' opinions even when they differ from her own. When we held a class debate about gun laws, Sara opted to speak for the side opposite her own views. She explained her choice as motivated by a desire to put herself in other people's shoes, view the issues from a new perspective, and gain a clearer sense of the issue from all angles. Throughout the year, Sara demonstrated this openness to and empathy for the opinions, feelings, and perspectives of others, along with shrewd powers of observation, all qualities that makes her outstanding as a student of literature and burgeoning writer. I am certain that Sara is going to continue to do great and creative things in her future. I highly recommend her for admission to your undergraduate program. She is talented, caring, intuitive, dedicated, and focused in her pursuits. Sara consistently seeks out constructive feedback so she can improve her writing skills, which is a rare and impressive quality in a high school student. Sara is truly a stand-out individual who will impress everyone she meets. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions at callmeclemens@gmail.com. Sincerely, Ms. Scribe English Teacher Mark Twain High School 2.Dear Admissions Committee, It is a great pleasure to recommend Stacy for admission to your engineering program. She is one of the most exceptional students I have encountered in my 15 years of teaching. I taught Stacy in my 11th grade honors physics class and advised her in Robotics Club. I am not surprised to find out she is now ranked at the top of an extraordinarily capable class of seniors. She has a keen interest in and talent for physics, math, and scientific inquiry. Her advanced skills and passion for the subject make her an ideal fit for your rigorous engineering program. Stacy is a perceptive, sharp, quick individual with a high aptitude for math and science. She is driven to understand how things work, whether they be the old computer hard drives in the school library or the forces that hold our universe together. Her final project in class was especially impressive, an investigation of frequency-dependent sound absorption, an idea that she said was sparked by not wanting to bother her parents with her hours of guitar practice at home. She's been a strong leader in Robotics Club, eager to share her knowledge with others and learn new skills. I have the students in the club prepare lessons and take turns leading our after-school meetings. When it was Stacy's turn, she showed up prepared with a fascinating lecture on lunar nautics and fun activities that got everyone moving and talking. She was our only student teacher to be met with much deserved applause at the end of her lesson. Stacy's personal strengths are as impressive as her intellectual accomplishments. She's an active, outgoing presence in class with a great sense of humor. Stacy's the perfect person to get a group project rolling, but she also knows how to sit back and let others take the lead. Her cheerful nature and openness to feedback means she's always learning and growing as a learner, an impressive strength that will continue to serve her well in college and beyond. Stacy is just the kind of driven, engaging, and curious student that helped make our classroom a lively environment and safe place to take intellectual risks. Stacy has my highest recommendation for admission to your engineering program. She has demonstrated excellence in all that she puts her mind to, whether it's designing an experiment, collaborating with others, or teaching herself to play classical and electrical guitar. Stacy's endless curiosity, combined with her willingness to take risks, leads me to believe there will be no limit to her growth and achievements in college and beyond. Please don't hesitate to contact me at milevafanclub@gmail.com if you have any questions. Sincerely, Ms. Randall Physics Teacher Marie Curie High School 3.Dear Admissions Committee, It is hard to overstate the meaningful contributions that William has made to our school and surrounding community. As both his 10th and 11th grade History teacher, I've had the pleasure of seeing William make profound contributions both in and out of the classroom. His school and community service is motivated by a strong sense of social justice, which he informs through a nuanced and sophisticated understanding of historical trends and events. I can say with confidence that William is one of the most caring and driven students I've ever taught in my fifteen years at the school. As a child of immigrant parents, William is especially drawn to understand the immigrant experience. He produced an extraordinary semester-long research paper on the treatment of Japanese-Americans in the U.S. during WWII, in which he went beyond all expectations to conduct Skype interviews with relatives of his featured subjects to incorporate into his paper. William has a great capacity to draw connections between past and present and to ground his understanding of current issues in the context of historical events. He never retreats to a simple answer or explanation, but is comfortable dealing with ambiguity. William's fascination with U.S. and World History and skill for deep analysis have him an exemplary scholar, as a well as a motivated activist driven to promote civil rights and work towards social equity. In sophomore year, William noticed that the college planning seminars students attended included little information for first generation or immigrant students. Always thinking about how institutions can better serve people, William spoke with counselors and ESL teachers about his ideas to better support all students. He helped collect resources and design a college planning curriculum for immigrant and undocumented students to enhance their college access. He further helped organize a group that connected ESL students with native English speakers, stating his mission to be helping ELLs improve their English and increasing multicultural awareness and social cohesion at the school as a whole. William identified a need and worked with students and faculty alike to meet it in an extremely effective and beneficial way. Ever the history scholar, he did plenty of research to back up his ideas. William believes passionately in social progress and working for the common good. His own personal experiences, along with his profound grasp on social history, drive his advocacy work. He is a talented, intelligent student with the charisma, confidence, strong values, and respect for others to make a huge difference in the world around him. I'm looking forward to seeing all the good that William continues to do for his fellow humanity in college and beyond, as well as the excellent work that he will produce at the college level. William has my highest recommendation. If you have any questions, please contact me at thethingstheycarried@gmail.com. Sincerely, Mr. Jackson History Teacher Martin Luther King, Jr. High School 4.Dear Admissions Committee, It is my pleasure to recommend Joe, who I taught in my 11th grade math class. Joe demonstrated tremendous effort and growth throughout the year and brought a great energy to class. He has that combination of a positive attitude and the belief that he can always improve that's rare in a high school student, but so essential to the learning process. I am confident that he will continue to display the same commitment and diligence in everything he does. I highly recommend Joe for admission to your school. Joe would not describe himself as a math person. He's told me on several occasions that all the numbers and variables make his mind go fuzzy. Joe did, in fact, struggle to comprehend the material at the beginning of the year, but his response to this is what really struck me. Where so many others have given up, Joe took on this class as a welcome challenge. He stayed after school for extra help, got extra tutoring at the nearby college, and asked questions in and out of class. Due to all his hard work, Joe not only raised his grades, but he also inspired some of his classmates to stay after for extra help, as well. Joe truly demonstrated a growth mindset, and he inspired his peers to adopt that valuable perspective, too. Joe helped contribute to our classroom environment as one where all students can feel supported and able to ask questions. Joe's strong belief in his ability to acquire new skills and improve through practice was likely shaped by his years as a baseball player. He's played all through high school and is one of the team's most valuable players. In his final for our class, Joe designed an impressive project calculating and analyzing batting averages. While he initially described himself as not a math person, Joe reaped the benefits of his tremendous effort and found a way to make the subject come alive for him in a way that he was personally invested in. As a teacher, it is incredibly fulfilling to witness a student make this kind of academic and personal progress. Joe is a trustworthy, reliable, good-humored student and friend who supports others in and out of the classroom. He was a pleasure to have in class, and his positive attitude and belief in himself, even in the face of difficulty, is an immensely admirable asset. I'm confident that he will continue to demonstrate the same diligence, perseverance, and optimism that he showed myself and his peers. I highly recommend Joe for admission to your undergraduate program. Please feel free to contact me with any further questions at fortheloveofalgebra@gmail.com. Sincerely, Mr. Wiles Math Teacher Euclid High School 2017.02.15
Вот вам сразу и шаблон мотивационного письма на английском:
Dear Sir or Madam: With this letter, I would like to express my interest in studying at the University of XY as an Erasmus student. I am currently studying Master’s Degree programme in Regional Geography at the ABC University in London. Having looked through the materials of the Foreign Department of my university, I was very delighted to find the opportunity to spend one semester learning geography at the University of XY. I have decided to apply for this programme because I am sure it would strongly enrich my future studies and help me in my prospective career. Moreover I consider this programme as a great opportunity to get in touch with British culture and educational system. Last but not least, I am very curious about different approaches to the geography at the foreign university. I have chosen to apply for University of XY, because I really like its module system of study. I specially appreciate the wide range of offered modules and the freedom in making your study plan. Many of the modules offered are unique for me, because there is no equivalent at my home university. Very important for me is also an “Excellent” rating for teaching of the Geography department and the overall friendly atmosphere at both the university as well as the city. The third main reason why I have chosen XY is its Urban and Regional Policy Research Institute. It specializes in interdisciplinary research on key regional and urban policy issues, which is the field of geography very familiar to me. During my prior studies I have found out, that I would like to specialize in Urban and Transport Geography. The University of XY gives me a chance to get in touch with these subjects through modules from both Department of Geography and Department of Town and Regional Planning. In my last year at the ABC University I worked on an empirical study with main focus on transportation costs of suburbanisation and urban sprawl. I really liked my project and I am keen to continue in it. I would like to use my stay in XY for further developing my skills in empirical research and starting working on my diploma project. The possibilities that gives me University of XY further expand those at my home university. I would take modules focusing on Transport and Urban geography and European Studies. I would very much like to spend one semester at the University of XY. This would give me a chance to deepen my geographical knowledge in the inspiring, creative, and cosmopolite environment of one of the largest British universities. Furthermore I could improve my English and increase my confidence in passing the TOEFL examinations after I return. Moreover, I am confident that my experience in London would be extremely exciting, fun, and valuable for both my studies and overall general development. Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response. Yours faithfully, Suzan Parent 2017.02.15
Кому не лень, смотрите по этой ссылке ( http://www.docin.com/p-1688776849.html ) примеры мотивационного письма на китайском языке.
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