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2017.12.08werewitt You guys pissed him off once, I was really surprised to see him back (perhaps he enjoys being bullied  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ).

Интеллигент, что ли?  21

Я была почти уверена что он вернется, только надолго ли, это вопрос конечно)). Действительно травля человека за то что доброе дело сделал, наверное это и есть та самая высокая культура)
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2017.12.08Johny Kane, it doesn't count as effort.  14 People help me here for free. Why should I take money from them?
You made the test, it means that your English is  not bad. But you have the mistake in the first second sentense. You should say "it doesn't count as AN effort", because you're using a noun. In English you must use articles before all nouns in case of using nouns in their singular form. In the first sentense you used a noun. There are two type of artickes. One is indefinite (it's A), and one is definite (it's THE). The effort is for indefinite. Your English very good edpecially if you're Chinese (don't be angry on this eords please). Don't be sad. Keep studying) Articles are very hard for all people.
Ярюзё, I'm afraid that you misunderstand the different meanings and uses of the word "effort".
If "effort" = "attempt", as in "to make an effort/an attempt" - then your remark would have been correct. Alas, in this case "effort" has a different meaning - "the use of mental or physical energy" or "hard work" - and it is not quantifiable (e.g. "He got a B for effort" or "He succeeded through effort" or "Slacking around doesn't count as effort"). Accordingly, you should not add an article before it.

And to give you an example, here is a passage from a random book - "Blame Teachers: The Emotional Reasons for Educational Reform":
Цитата:The asking and answering of these questions must count as effort or hard work on the part of teachers, even if we can't see it.

Cheers 40
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Hongweibing, извините, конечно, но по-моему вы кормите явного тролля. Не может же человек всерьез писать "Your English very good".
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r1, Вполне вероятно, судя по количеству ошибок в его сообщении Smile Но я, как господин наш, Мэн-цзы, хочу верить в добрую натуру людей - может он просто хотел проявить свои знания в области "артиклей" (а ведь многие часто ошибаются в их применении - либо не используют достаточно часто, либо используют слишком часто и где попало).
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2017.12.08Ярюзё You made the test, it means that your English is  not bad. But you have the mistake in the first second sentense. You should say "it doesn't count as AN effort", because you're using a noun. In English you must use articles before all nouns in case of using nouns in their singular form. In the first sentense you used a noun. There are two type of artickes. One is indefinite (it's A), and one is definite (it's THE). The effort is for indefinite. Your English very good edpecially if you're Chinese (don't be angry on this eords please). Don't be sad. Keep studying) Articles are very hard for all people.
Я не ожидал от форума таких поворотов.
А тут учат грамматике, учат беспощадно, сурово, бесплатно и безапелляционно.
И последнее предложение ничуть не снижает критического пафоса: "Вы ничтожное барахло, не знающее артиклей".
А ошибки через слово у учителя грамматики мне напомнили логопеда из фильма "По семейным обстоятельствам".
Логопед не обязательно должен сам все выговаривать, его дело - других учить.
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2017.12.08Johny Kane, it doesn't count as effort.  14 People help me here for free. Why should I take money from them?

Because we live in the capitalistic World, yet... (look down)
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2017.12.08Ярюзё You made the test, it means that your English is  not bad. But you have the mistake in the first second sentense. You should say "it doesn't count as AN effort", because you're using a noun. In English you must use articles before all nouns in case of using nouns in their singular form. In the first sentense you used a noun. There are two type of artickes. One is indefinite (it's A), and one is definite (it's THE). The effort is for indefinite. Your English very good edpecially if you're Chinese (don't be angry on this eords please). Don't be sad. Keep studying) Articles are very hard for all people.

Надо было Джонни сразу писать по этому поводу. А то складывается ощущение, что вы мне это написали по другой причине.  14
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2017.12.08Johny Kane, it doesn't count as effort.  14 People help me here for free. Why should I take money from them?

...that twinkle-toed lazycrap doesn`t look like he would help you unlike others here to some extent.
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2017.12.08Kain Смотрится весьма мерзко.

Ну Джон написал на английском, я спросил на нем же. Какой-то queer from Texas решил вставить свое веское, как стадо слонов в лавке посудной, слово. Я ни с кем ничем не мерился. Просто персонажи с одной группы ВК,видать, очень сильно горят при моем упоминании.   121
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