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2018.10.16Адов 这句是什么意思﹖
"You're just a cheap poser, that's who you are".

Путешественник-одиночка/Одиночное путешествие sound ok if

1. You are speaking of someone like Федор Конюхов and of his feats.
"Путешественник-одиночка пересек Атлантику на надувной лодке" - ok
"В юности он совершил одиночное путешествие через страны Южной Америки" - ok, though a bit clumsy and with a touch of officialese.

2. You are reading (or writing) an article on travelling in general. Here those two terms are ok even if applied to "civilized" (not backpacking) tourists
"Путешественники-одиночки зачастую вынуждены переплачивать в гостиницах, снимая двухместный номер" - ok

Otherwise, this just sounds strange, esp. with first person pronoun.
ЛС Ответить
Адов, it all sounds ok in English. But in Russian you just travel - alone or with friends or relatives, as it suits you, and the point of a trip is the trip itself, not some kind of lifestyle embodied in the trip. It's ok to say "Я всегда/обычно путешествую один". But to define oneself as a "solo-traveller"... I really don't know how to put it, in Russian it just sounds as if you were trying to impress people with having some particular way of travelling, different from the common folk. It's like crying "please note that I am alternative". It has a distinct hipster flavour to it and would probably be mocked.

- Я соло-путешественник.
- Позер ты дешевый, вот ты кто.

Bonus points if the word путешественник is substituted with English "traveller" transliterated into Cyrillic.
- Я соло-тревелер. Мое хобби - соло-тревелинг.

Once again, it's not about travelling alone or in company. It's about unnecessary stressing some particular way of travelling.
Of course, it's just my view of it. Opinions may differ.
ЛС Ответить
Адов, I am not sure that stressing this "solo" part is justified in Russian at all. It's ok if you are talking about hiking, kayaking, cycling, etc. Then it would be "одиночный поход" or "соло-поход" (одиночный сплав, одиночный велопоход и др.)
If you are talking about more civilized way of travelling (that is, when you sleep in hotels), then describing it as a "solo trip" makes it sound strange, like you were trying to show off or something.
Just my personal opinion.

UPD Nice signature, by the way O_o
ЛС Ответить
Адов, по-моему, у нас нет специального термина, только описательные.

1. Путешествие в одиночку/путешествовать в одиночку
Я люблю путешествовать в одиночку.
Он всегда путешествует один/сам по себе / в одиночку

2. ? Возможно, "одиночное путешествие"

3. Путешественник-одиночка (не очень часто употребляется)
Я путешественник-одиночка [actually no one would say so of himself, sounds weird], я путешествовал один.

It would look ok in an article, though
ЛС Ответить