2024.10.10и тем не менее 220 тыс. натурализованных граждан в Германии за год и 200 тыс. в Корее за всегоvaily
ilf2020, и тем не менее 220 тыс. натурализованных граждан в Германии за год и 200 тыс. в Корее.
As of May 2023, the number of Koreans aged 15 or more who were naturalized for
the past 5 years was 51 thousand persons, dropping by 1 thousand persons (-2.5%)
year-on-year. The number of male and female naturalized Koreans was 9 thousand
persons (18.3%) and 42 thousand persons (81.9%), respectively.
и самое из этих всего
As for foreigners by nationality, Vietnamese and Chinese* nationals increased by 32
thousand persons and 5 thousand persons, respectively, year-on-year. Whereas, Korean
Chinese nationals decreased by 7 thousand persons year-on-year.
Чо там 14к человек в год становятся корейцами и понятно сколько там корейцев с постснг, северных туда тоже спокойно могут в статистику вписать как и китайских корейцев. Самое время начать сравнивать с Германией.
4. Foreigners with the status of 'Non-professional employment' (E-9)
□ (Nationality)
As for the nationality of foreigners with the status of 'Non-professional employment' in
May 2023, Nepal occupied the largest share at 14.5%, which was followed by Cambodia
(14.5%) and Vietnam (11.9%).
□ (Reason for choosing Korea)
As for reasons for choosing Korea, 'Due to high wages' occupied the largest share at
72.2%, which was followed by 'Due to good working environment' (10.2%).
Я сама жена-лаовайка, живу тут 10 лет. Дочь лаобана. 牛.