Проявите фантазию, поговорите с ней о погоде, там о тучках, о дождике... или о поэзии... обсудите с ней Дао в конце-концов... я знаю - пошлите ей стихи о погоде!
Тем более, что вы все там образованные - надо культурно всё делать, и не прямым текстом, как тут предлагали
Вот, в частности вступление к 高唐赋 товарища 宋玉 (не совсем стихи, конечно, но тоже сойдет):
《文选‧宋玉〈高唐赋〉序》:昔者楚襄王与宋玉游于云梦之台,望高唐之观,其上独有云气,崪(zú,险峻)兮直上,忽兮改容,须臾之间,变化无穷。王问玉曰:“此何气也?”玉对曰:“所谓朝云者也。”王曰:“何谓朝云?”玉曰:“昔者先王尝游高唐,怠而昼寝,梦见一妇人曰:“妾,巫山之女也。为高唐之客。闻君游高唐,愿荐枕席。”王因幸之。去而辞曰:“妾在巫山之阳,高丘之阻,旦为朝云,暮为行雨。朝朝暮暮,阳台之下。’旦朝视之,如言。故为立庙,号曰‘朝云’。” 王曰:“朝云始生,状若何也?”玉对曰:“其始出也,对兮若松榯(shí,树木直立状);其少进也,晰兮若姣姬,扬袂鄣日,而望所思;忽兮改容,偈兮若驾驷马,建羽旗;湫兮如风,凄兮如雨。风止雨霁,云无所处。
(поскольку лень переводить на русский, перевод украл отсюда: "The Songs of Chu: An Anthology of Ancient Chinese Poetry by Qu Yuan and Others" edited and translated by Gopal Sukhu)
Не читайте дальше, если не хотите испортить себе детство!
P.S. А вы не задумывались, есть ли подтекст у данного эпизода из "Винни-Пуха" о тучке и дожде? То-то.

Вот, в частности вступление к 高唐赋 товарища 宋玉 (не совсем стихи, конечно, но тоже сойдет):
《文选‧宋玉〈高唐赋〉序》:昔者楚襄王与宋玉游于云梦之台,望高唐之观,其上独有云气,崪(zú,险峻)兮直上,忽兮改容,须臾之间,变化无穷。王问玉曰:“此何气也?”玉对曰:“所谓朝云者也。”王曰:“何谓朝云?”玉曰:“昔者先王尝游高唐,怠而昼寝,梦见一妇人曰:“妾,巫山之女也。为高唐之客。闻君游高唐,愿荐枕席。”王因幸之。去而辞曰:“妾在巫山之阳,高丘之阻,旦为朝云,暮为行雨。朝朝暮暮,阳台之下。’旦朝视之,如言。故为立庙,号曰‘朝云’。” 王曰:“朝云始生,状若何也?”玉对曰:“其始出也,对兮若松榯(shí,树木直立状);其少进也,晰兮若姣姬,扬袂鄣日,而望所思;忽兮改容,偈兮若驾驷马,建羽旗;湫兮如风,凄兮如雨。风止雨霁,云无所处。
Цитата:Once upon a time King Xiang and Song Yu were enjoying the sights from the lodge at Yunmeng and they saw in the distance the Gaotang pavilion. Hovering over it was a single cloud of mist piled precipitously high, which suddenly changed shape and in a small space of time changed into innumerable shapes. The king asked what sort of mist it was. Song Yu answered, "That is what they call the morning cloud." The king asked, "What manner of thing is this morning cloud?" Song Yu answered, "In the past a previous king was traveling through Gaotang when he grew tired and took a nap. A woman appeared to him in a dream, who said, 'I am the daughter of Shaman Mountain and a guest of Gaotang. When I heard that you, Lord, were sojourning in Gaotang, I desired to offer you my pillow and a sleeping mat.' The king then made love to her, and as she was leaving she said by way of farewell, 'I am on the southern side of Shaman Mountain amid the dangerous rocky heights. At dawn I am a morning сloud, at dusk I am sudden rainfall. Morning after morning, dusk after dusk, I'll be there near the Sunlit Tower.' In the morning when he went to the place to look, he found that it was just as she had said. He therefore had a temple built on the spot, which he named 'Morning Cloud.' " King Xiang asked, "When the morning cloud comes out at the beginning of the day, what does it look like?" Song Yu replied, "When it first comes out, it is bushy like a pine tree and as straight. As it approaches, it brightens and resembles a beautiful young woman raising her sleeve to shade herself from the sun as she looks in the distance expectantly for the one she yearns for. Then suddenly it changes shape, and it resembles a chariot pulled by four speedy horses with colorful feathered flags raised. Then the air grows chilly as though a storm were about to come. And after the wind calms and the rain stops, the cloud is nowhere to be found."
(поскольку лень переводить на русский, перевод украл отсюда: "The Songs of Chu: An Anthology of Ancient Chinese Poetry by Qu Yuan and Others" edited and translated by Gopal Sukhu)
Не читайте дальше, если не хотите испортить себе детство!
P.S. А вы не задумывались, есть ли подтекст у данного эпизода из "Винни-Пуха" о тучке и дожде? То-то.