бкрс говорит, отсюда и синдром Наполеона/злобного карлика. Низкорослый человек ещё с ранних лет замечает, что его зачастую не слушают с таким вниманием как высокого человека, и порой вообще не особо то и считаются с его мнением. Просто по инерции. Поэтому нам коротышкам приходиться быть агрессивней, настаивать на своём, проявлять себя.
Про исследования о влиянии роста на качество жизни. Википедия говорит:
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Про исследования о влиянии роста на качество жизни. Википедия говорит:
Цитата:A research paper published in the Journal of Applied Psychology showed that height is strongly related to success for men. It showed that increase in height for men corresponds to increase in income after controlling for other social psychological variables like age and weight.[1] Economists Nicola Persico, Andrew Postlewaite and Dan Silverman explained the "height premium" and found that "a 1.8-percent increase in wages accompanies every additional inch of height". They also found that men's wages as adults could be linked to their height at age 16. The researchers found that on an average an increase in height by one inch at age 16 increased male adult wages by 2.6 percent. This is equal to increase of approximately $850 in 1996 annual earnings. In other words, the height and corresponding social experiences of taller male adolescent at age 16 would likely translate to higher wage in later adulthood as compared to shorter male adolescent.[2]
Surveys have uncovered that less than 3% of CEOs were below 5 ft 7 in (1.70 m) in height. 90% of CEOs are of above average height
Nonetheless, research by Dan Ariely found that American women exhibit a marked preference for dating taller men, and that for shorter men to be judged attractive by women, they must earn substantially more money than taller men
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