之乎者也,语助词 не имеет конкретное значение и не переводится
![]() ![]() 2018.01.13
2018.01.13 Не ожидала что вы можете понимать 古文... ![]() 2018.01.13
![]() 其…也 = 他的…(的事情) 是時(at this time)承平久(because of long period of peace),川郡皆無守備(the regions (juns) in Sichuan province were all defenseless/loose on defense)。長吏聞賊來,輒棄城遁,以故所至無不摧破(whenever the Yuan officials heard that the rebels came, they always fleed, so the Ming rebels could capture whatever cities)。然林兒本起盜賊,無大志(however, since 林兒 was originally a thief, he had no ambitions),又聽命福通,徒擁虛名 (and he just listened to the orders of 福通, he just had an unsubstantiated fame)。諸將在外者率不遵約束,所過焚劫,至啖老弱為糧,且皆福通故等夷,福通亦不能制 (~the rebels had no discipline, they robbed and burned wherever they went across ...) 。兵雖盛,威令不行(although the army of the rebels were large in number, the authority from the the top did not work)。數攻下城邑([Therefore] for several times the Ming rebels occupied some cities),元兵亦數從其後復之(the Yuan army could take them all back),不能守(the Ming rebels could not defend [from the Yuan army])。惟毛貴稍有智略(but 毛貴 was the only one that had a bit of wits and tactics)。其破濟南也(His being able to break through the defense of 濟南/ successfully conquered 濟南),立賓興院,選用元故官姬宗周等分守諸路([relies on that] he set up 賓興院 and chose the former Yuan official 姬宗周, etc. to set up fortresses on different attacking paths)。又於萊州立屯田三百六十所,每屯相距三十里,造挽運大車百輛,凡官民田十取其二(and also ...)。多所規畫(~ had lots of planning / systematic enough),故得據山東者三年(so he could occupy 山東 as long as 3 years)。
Помогаю онлайн с изучением китайского и кантонского. Перевожу на китайский, делаю вычитку китайских текстов. 2018.01.13
2018.01.12且(而且)皆(全部是)福通故(以前的)等夷(同輩) = what's more, they were all past peers of 福通 2018.01.13
2018.01.12在外者 = The Generals outside central command 率 = 大致 or 都 不遵約束 = did not follow (military) discipline 2018.01.13
2018.01.10是 = 這,此 時 = 時期,時間 承 [動詞] = 承著,靠著 平久 = 和平持久 2018.01.14