1) 说话的技巧。指口才。
2) 言语巧妙。
1) 说话的技巧。指口才。
2) 言语巧妙。
在花言巧语的掩蔽下 | под прикрытием красивых фраз |
用花言巧语勾搭一个姑娘 | seduce a girl by fair speech |
别花言巧语了,吹捧是不会使你捞到好处的! | Cut out the banana oil; flattery will get you nowhere! |
用花言巧语瞒哄某人 | deceive a person with fair words |
他认为像这样花言巧语加上奉承就可以蒙蔽她,但她没有受骗。 | He thinks by all his fast talking and flattery he can pull the wool over her eyes, but she isn’t deceived. |
谁信你的花言巧语? | Who believes your sweet words? |
你完全被他的花言巧语骗了。 | You’ve been completely taken in by his blandishments. |