净空, 净跨度
пословный перевод
净空 | , | 净跨度 | |
1) габарит; габаритный
2) разрез пропуска дороги 人和车辆在城市道路上通行要占有一定的通行断面,叫做净空。
3) чистое небо
в примерах:
中国隋朝大业年间(公元605-618年)建成的赵州桥, 净跨37米, 主拱圈上敷设小拱, 是世界上最早的空腹拱桥, 也是当时世界上跨度最大的石拱桥。
The Zhaozhou Bridge built in the Daye Period (605A. D. -618A. D. ) of the Sui Dynasty (581A. D. -618A. D. ), with a clear span of 37 metres and small arches within the main arch, was the earliest spandrel arch bridge and also the longest stone arch bridge in the world.