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打躬作揖dǎgōng zuòyī
1) кланяться в землю, бить поклоны
2) кланяться (со сложенными перед грудью руками), почтительно поклониться
dǎ gōng zuò yī
旧时礼节,弯身抱拳,上下摆动,表示恭敬。dǎ gōng zuò yī
make an obeisance; beg humbly; bow and greet (sb.); bow and raise one's clasped hands in salute; bow and scrape; fold the hands and make deep bows; make a deep bow:
说起来是斯文人,一辈子见着有钱的打恭作揖。 I'm supposed to be a scholar, but all my life I've always had to bow to the rich people.
I’m supposed to be a scholar, but all my life I’ve always had to bow to the rich people.
打恭 | 作揖 | ||