central and regional system of management; manage economy along the vertical lines of division between the central ministries or along the horizontal lines of division between localities; management along administrative lines of division; organize economic activities along the lines of government ministries and administrative regions
tiáo tiáo kuài kuài guǎn lǐ
central and regional system of management; manage economy along the vertical lines of division between the central ministries or along the horizontal lines of division between localities; management along administrative lines of division; organize economic activities along the lines of government ministries and administrative regionstiáotiáokuàikuài guǎnlǐ
central and regional system of managementпословный:
条条块块 | 管理 | ||
departments or regions:
1) управлять, заведовать, распоряжаться; вести дела; регулировать; управление, хозяйствование, администрация, администрирование, регулирование
2) смотреть, следить (за...), контролировать; присматривать; надзирать; контроль, надзор
3) ухаживать, заботиться; уход, забота (напр., о растениях)