méimao húzi yì bǎ zhuā
хвататься за все сразу, гоняться за двумя зайцами
пробовать управлять всем один раз
méi mao hú zi yī bǎzhuā
比喻做事不分主次轻重缓急,一齐下手。méimao húzi yì bǎ zhuā
[try to attend to big and small matters as one who grasps the eyebrows and the beard all at once] 比喻做事马虎, 对于不同的对象没有区别对待
meí mao hú zi yī bǎ zhuā
any-old-how, regardless of the specific task
méi mao hú zi yì bǎ zhuā
try to grasp the eyebrows and the beard at the same time; attend to big and small matters all at once; take things all of a lump (without any discrimination); All is fish that comes to his net.; All is flour that comes to his mill.méimao húzi yī̠bǎzhuā
try to attend to big and small matters all at once
分清主次,不要眉毛胡子一把抓。 Prioritize. Don't try to attend to big and small matters all at once.
Prioritize. Don’t try to attend to big and small matters all at once.
handle different things with the same method
眉毛 | 胡子 | 一把抓 | |
1) борода; усы
2) конокрад; хунхуз, разбойник, бандит
1) всё делать самому, не поручая никому
2) хвататься сразу за всё
3) цыплёнок
4) жарг. рука
5) южн. диал. шапка рыбака