The rice is already cooked -- What is done can’t be undone.; Cooked rice can never go back to being raw again.; It is too late to change.; It’s no use crying over spilt milk.; The die is cast.; The fat is in the fire.; What’s done can’t be undone.:
“要干就干到底,生米成熟饭,还有什么迟疑!” “Once we’ve started, we must carry on to the end! When things have gone as far as this, why hesitate now?”
shēng mǐ chéng shú fàn
The rice is already cooked -- What is done can't be undone.; Cooked rice can never go back to being raw again.; It is too late to change.; It's no use crying over spilt milk.; The die is cast.; The fat is in the fire.; What's done can't be undone.:
“要干就干到底,生米成熟饭,还有什么迟疑!” “Once we've started, we must carry on to the end! When things have gone as far as this, why hesitate now?”
shēngmǐ chéng shúfàn
The die is cast.примеры:
“Once we’ve started, we must carry on to the end! When things have gone as far as this, why hesitate now?”
Заткнись ты. Мы уже курим...
生米 | 成熟 | 熟饭 | |
1) неочищенный рис
2) неотваренный рис
1) созревать, вызревать (напр. о плодах), взрослеть; зрелый, спелый
2) перен. созреть, сложиться, принять законченную форму; зрелость; созревание