опираться на дракона и феникса (обр. в знач.: а) пользоваться (высокими) связями, опираться ни сильных мира сего; б) стар. следовать за (мудрым) господином (государем)
pānlóng fùfèng
обр. льнуть к сильным мира сегоpānlóngfùfèng
[play up to people of power and influence; put oneself under the patronage of a bigwig] 龙, 凤: 比喻有权有势的人。 喻指为获名利而去巴结投靠有权有势的人
攀龙附凤, 驰骛之秋。 --《三国志·鲁肃传》
pān lóng fù fèng
see 扳龙附凤[bān lóng fù fèng]pān lóng fù fèng
serve an Emperor and do service for a Throne; clamber over the dragon and follow the phoenix -- attachment to the great; climb on to a dragon or hang on to a phoenix; climb the political ladder on the strength of one's influence with those in power; curry favor with those in power; fawn upon the influential people; play up to people of power and influence; put oneself under the patronage of a bigwig; seek connections with the highers - up and rise to power oneself on the wave of their successpānlóngfùfèng
play up to sb. with power1) 喻依附帝王以成就功业或扬威。亦比喻依附有声望的人以立名。语本汉扬雄《法言‧渊骞》:“攀龙鳞,附凤翼,巽以扬之,勃勃乎其不可及也。”
2) 谓盘附着龙和凤。徐迟《财神与观音‧荣和吾兄荣任总经理大喜》:“两枝攀龙附凤的大蜡烛在闪动,四面花篮已经堆成了百花阵图。”
攀龙 | 附凤 | ||
Паньлун (имя) |