gāoguān hòulù
высокая должность и высокий оклад
высокая должность и высокий оклад
[high post with salaries to match; high position and large salary] 很高的官职, 丰厚的薪禄
而令凶徒奸党, 迭相树置, 高官厚禄, 任情自取, 非但臣等痛恨终身, 亦为圣朝怀惭负愧。 --《魏书·韩麒麟传》
从前, 大批有产阶级的代表, 在国家机构中猎取高官厚禄, 享有各种特权, 营私舞弊, 欺压人民
gāo guān hòu lù
high post and generous salary (idiom); promotion to a high official positiongāo guān hòu lù
high position and handsome salary (good pay); (become) a high official with a high salary; be entrenched in a high position and receive privileged treatment; be given a high position and a large income; be highly placed with fat emoluments; enjoy high emoluments and a high position; high posts with salaries to match; high office and peeragea high position and a good pay
high posts with salaries to match
high official with a big salary高的官位,优厚的俸禄。
частотность: #47553
高官 | 厚禄 | ||
высокая должность, большой чин; сановник, высокопоставленный чиновник
1) 优厚的俸禄。
2) 指食禄丰厚之士卒。