kūmù féngchūn
для засохшего дерева настала весна (обр. в знач.: вернуться к жизни)
kūmù féngchūn
обр. вернуться к жизни; ожитьМолодильный росток
вновь обрести жизнь
kū mùféng chūn
[spring comes to the withered tree; like a dry tree reviving in spring; good fortune that comes after a long spell of bad luck] 枯黄的树木欣逢春日。 比喻久处困厄之人, 忽遇得意之事, 重新获得生命力
kū mù féng chūn
lit. the spring comes upon a withered tree (idiom)
fig. to get a new lease on life
to be revived
(of a difficult situation) to suddenly improve
kū mù féng chūn
be like a dry tree which again sprouts leaves in the spring; A withered (dried up) tree comes to life again.; good fortune that comes after a long spell of bad luck; spring comes to the withered tree -- get a new lease of (on) life.; The withered trees in spring burst forth afresh.kūmùféngchūn
get new lease on life比喻重获生机。
частотность: #64692
A withered tree comes to life again.
枯木 | 逢春 | ||
[везде] встречать весну (обр. в знач.: да будет удача!)