xīngshī dòngzhòng
поднять полки и двинуть толпы (обр. в знач.: мобилизовать много народу (для пустякового дела), наваливаться всем скопом
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起兵动众тревожить народ
xīng shī dòng zhòng
[move troops about and stir up the people-drag in many people to do sth.] 兴: 发动。 原指发兵出征。 后泛指发动许多人
夫发号布令, 而人乐闻; 兴师动众, 而人乐战; 交兵接刃, 而人乐死。 --《吴子·励士》
xīng shī dòng zhòng
to muster large forces
to get a great number of people involved (in carrying out some task)
xīng shī dòng zhòng
initiate the dispatch of contingents of armed men and the mobilization of the masses; arouse too many people to do (some relatively small work); draw in a lot of people (to do sth.); have too many people do sth.; move troops about and stir up the people -- drag in many people to do sth.; mobilize (the) forces; raise a big rumpus:
我不喜欢摆架子,更不愿让人家兴师动众来照顾我。 I didn't like to put on airs, and even less to have too many people catering to me.
drag in many people (to do sth.)1) 谓为进行战争而动员百姓。
2) 形容为做某件事而动员很多的人。
частотность: #38551
I didn’t like to put on airs, and even less to have too many people catering to me.
兴师 | 动众 | ||
1) трудовые массы
2) потрясти народ