yìng jiē bù xiá
1) нет времени управиться; рук не хватает
2) глаза разбегаются, невозможно увидеть все
ссылки с:
接应不暇yìngjiē bù xiá
обр. не в состоянии справиться [управиться] (напр., с работой)yìngjiē bù xiá
[have one's hand full all the time] 原形容景物繁多, 目不暇接。 后多形容来人太多或事务繁杂, 接待应付不过来
仰观山, 俯听泉, 旁睨竹树云石, 自辰及酉, 应接不暇。 --唐·白居易《庐山草堂记》
yìng jiē bù xiá
yìng jiē bù xiá
more than one can attend to (idiom)
deluged (with inquiries etc)
overwhelmed (by the beauty of the scenery)
yìng jiē bù xiá
too busy to attend to all; be too busy with seeing guests; have more visitors or business than one can attend to; I had enough to do to give each a courteous reply.; It is more than one can attend to.; not able to attend to all; play host to a constant stream (streams) of callers; too many (affairs; visitors) to attend to; up to one's ears in work; very busy:
顾客很多,售货员应接不暇。 There were so many customers that the shop assistants couldn't attend to them all.
病人太多,我一个人应接不暇。 There were more patients than I could attend to single-handed.
have more visitors or business than one can attend to
have more (visitors/business) than one can attend to
景点一开放他们就应接不暇了。 The moment this scenic spot is open, they have more visitors than they can attend to.
1) 谓美景众多,来不及欣赏。
2) 谓人事繁忙,穷於应付。
частотность: #30345
Очень много покупателей, у продавцов не хватает рук.
There were more patients than I could attend to single-handed.
The firm has more clients than it can take care of.
The moment this scenic spot is open, they have more visitors than they can attend to.
так много работы, что не справиться
We were deluged with inquiries.
查询的人很多, 我们应接不暇。
We were inundated with enquiries.
I looked fleetingly at the scenery from the car.
Food was in short supply at that time.
Маленькие фигурки мудрецов, простолюдинов, прихожан взбираются по лестнице, чтобы встать у ее ног. Перед ней выстроилась охрана — «терьеры», секретная служба. Детали такие подробные, что голова идет кругом. Должно быть, на это панно ушли годы.
应接 | 不暇 | ||
1) принимать (напр., гостей)
2) помогать; поддерживать
3) 照应
4) 应付,接受