completely discredited
былой престиж в пух и прах
wēi fēng sǎo dì
完全丧失了威严和信誉。wēi fēng sǎo dì
with every shred of one's prestige swept away -- completely discredited; discredit... thoroughly; One's dignity and prestige were swept into the dust.; One's reputation is dragged in the dust.; sweep every bit of one's prestige into the dust; with one's dignity in the dustwēifēngsǎodì
completely discredited/deflatedwith one's prestige and authority leveled to the ground
частотность: #66715
相关: 羞耻, 无耻, 丢脸, 丢丑, 难看, 难听, 丢面子, 不要脸, 不名誉, 恬不知耻, 厚颜无耻, 奴颜婢膝, 卑躬屈膝, 丧权辱国, 寡廉鲜耻, 名誉扫地, 声名狼藉, 臭名昭著, 臭名远扬, 遗臭万年
He was boasting as usual about his prowess on the tennis court, but Pam soon cut him down to size by beating him effortlessly in straight sets.
威风 | 风扫 | 扫地 | |
внушительный (импозантный, строгий) вид; величественная осанка; величественные манеры; величие
1) 风吹。
2) 形容气势迅猛。
3) продуваемый ветром
1) подметать (землю), мести [пол]
2) исчезнуть без остатка; рухнуть; низко упасть; быть втоптанным в грязь (напр. о репутации); смести (уничтожить) подчистую