gōng bài chuí chéng
потерпеть поражение на пороге победы; проиграть в последний момент
ссылки с:
功堕垂成потерпеть неудачу на пороге успеха
[There's many a slip between the cup and the lip; fail in a great undertaking on the verge of success] 功业即将取得成就之时突然失败了
毋使临渴而掘井, 功败垂成。 --《孽海花》
我明白, 这个向来有泪不轻弹的硬汉, 之所以伤心落泪, 是在为自己那努力多年而功败垂成的事业感到惋惜
gōng bài chuí chéng
to fail within sight of success (idiom); last-minute failure
to fall at the last hurdle
snatching defeat from the jaws of victory
gōng bài chuí chéng
fail on the verge of success; suffer defeat when victory is within reach; abandon work near completion; a slip between the cup and the lip; failed in the end; between the cup and the lip; fail in a great undertaking on the verge of success; fail only when nearing success; fall through when success is in sight; fail at the last moment; flop just before the finish; a failure that was nearly a success; One's attempt fails when success is already in sight.; suffer defeat when victory is within one's graspgōngbàichuíchéng
fail when on verge of success事情接近成功的时候却遭到了失败。含有惋惜之意。
частотность: #51512
功 | 败 | 垂成 | |
1) заслуга; подвиг
2) результат; успех; достижение
3) мастерство; умение
4) тк. в соч. физ. работа
1) потерпеть поражение; проиграть
2) тк. в соч. нанести поражение, разбить
3) тк. в соч. поражение; проигрыш; неудача
4) испортить; испорченный; истлевший
5) завянуть